Organisms and Environments:

TEKS Covered: 112.14 (a) 1-4, (b) 1, 2BD&F, 3A, 9, 10A&B, 11B

Equipment used: cameras (not provided), hand lenses, metric rulers, journals, note cards, stapler, sound recorder (not provided)

Vocabulary: habitat, food chain, inherited, learned, environment, adaptations, organisms, natural resources, decomposition, populations, communities, structure, function

Field Trip Stations

Food Chain Hike – Find evidence of organisms in an ecosystem and determine their place in food chains.

Guided Pond Sit – Observe how physical characteristics of an environment support populations of ecosystems.

Insect Exploration – Discover what insect adaptations helps it survive in the environment.

Microscopic Wonders – Physical characteristics represent adaptations that help organisms survive in their environment.

Who’s Been to the Water? – Find evidence of organisms and describe how they are interconnected.

Perspective Sketch – Environments are made of systems with layers.

Habitat Hike – The environment determines which organisms will choose a habitat there.

Structure & Function – The structure of a cactus helps it survive.

For more information or to customize a trip, use our  teacher workbook.