TEKS Covered: 112.2 (a) 1ABDE 2-5, (b) 1, 2B, 3, 4A, 5, 6, 10A&C, 11, 12, 13A&B
112.3 (a) 1ABDE 2-5, (b) 1, 2B, 3, 4A, 5, 6A, 10A-C, 11A&B, 12A, 13B  

Equipment Used: hand lenses, collecting nets, field journals, discovery hoops

Vocabulary: living, nonliving, environment, organisms, parts of plants, parts of animals

Field Trip Stations
Observation Hike – Take a short hike and use your senses to explore the environment around you.
Pond Exploration – Make observations about the living and nonliving things you see and hear at the pond.
Insect Exploration – Use collecting nets, collecting jars, and hand lenses to investigate small critters, and draw your specimen.
Rock Exploration – Take some time to collect and sort the rocks by size, shape, color and texture. 

For more information or to customize a trip, use our teacher workbook.